Well, it's that time again! Mercury (the planet of communication and short-term travel) went Retrograde on Aug. 20th, and will be in it until September 12. So, these 3 weeks are a good time for INTROSPECTION and REFLECTION on Ourselves and Our Current Plans (communication and travel can also go awry during a mercury retrograde, so best to dot your i's and cross your t's). As far as the Piscean Full Moon is concerned, the moon cycle is 28 days from New Moon (no moon in the sky) to Full Moon to New Moon again, and the new moon is the spiritually fertile time when we plant seeds, literally and metaphysically, with ideas, intentions and invocations. The idea is that when the Full Moon comes around after the prior New Moon, one will see some type of confirmation (whether pos. or neg. ) on the "seeds" they planted during that New Moon. So, with a Piscean Full Moon, it's a calm, but potentially emotional time being Pisces is a water sign. And coupled with the Mercury Retrograde it's a good time to go deep within oneself to get back in touch with all those things that drive you artistically, creatively, & emotionally, and make the blueprint to how you want to start seeing them manifest after the retrograde. That's the catch with the Pisces Full Moon, it is all about dreams and glamour, things that catch our eye, but being that Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, things can be magnified (Jupiter - gaseous planet) and illusory, not lasting (Neptune - water and gaseous planet), like we are getting a glimpse of how things could be, yet it's fleeting. That's what this sign is about, so it is magnified during the full moon, and with the Mercury retrograde, we take time to look in and make plans, but hold off on IMPLEMENTING those plans because things are transitioning during this period, thus it is not a good time, astrologically speaking, for setting the foundation for new ideas, plans, or relationships. Also, during this time of the Mercury Retrograde, we may see old friends and lovers, return to our lives, but this is the point, to decide whether to go deeper, affirming the bond, or to let it go, simply a tying up of old loose ends. Also, Mars is closer to the planet than it's ever been, so we must be careful to avoid fights around this time, especially since it is already being influenced by the emotional Full Moon of Pisces!
The Majority of the above mentioned information is from my own knowledge and interpretation, but I received some info from astrologist Jan Spiller's website,
and from my friend Paul Moreland (friend him!) on FB, he's great with keeping The People informed :)
A Great link that goes in to the Moon in Pisces/Sun in Virgo connection.:
Slide 6
"Full Moons bring revelations and with Pisces-Virgo energies, it could have to do with your life purpose. What have you dedicated yourself to doing or being in the world? It might be devotion to an ideal, a child, or simply being the best at what you do."
(Thanks Candii!)
Wishing You A Reflective Mercury Retrograde & Captivating Full Moon Luvies,