Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wishing Everyone A Prosperous, Blessed New Year in 2012, but as far a tonight goes, we want everyone to party safely & responsibly, & ARRIVE ALIVE!!! The Auto Club, Triple A or commonly seen as "AAA", is offering their "Tow-to-Go" also known as "Tipsy Tow" program tonight, December 31st, 2011, New Year's Eve from 6pm until 6am, January 1st.
The Triple A, ("AAA") Emergency Roadside Helpline Phone Number is 1-800-AAA-HELP, or 1-800-222-4357.
(I called them to verify, and this IS a legitimate service they are offering tonight through tomorrow morning, they do it off of the kindness of their hearts on big holidays like the 4th of July, and tonight).
So there, you have it, NOOOOO EXCUSES!
& God-Willing, We'll See You in the New Year!
Your Favorite GYRL!
Good coverage of the "Tipsy Tow" program by California news station.
drunk driving,
new year's eve,
new york city,
tipsy tow,
tow to go,
triple a
Thursday, October 6, 2011
As the post title goes, and We mean it!:
"REST IN POWER, Mr. Steve Jobs!"
APPLE's Visionary C.E.O. lost his battle to pancreatic cancer yesterday - One more has transitioned on to the realm of the Ancestors.
In his Life & Work, Jobs stressed hard & focused, yet creative work. When you think of a your annoying boss throwing around the phrase "Think Outside the Box," besides the 1st flash of annoyance, the image of a true mastermind, Jobs could very well also come to mind. I'd bet if we did the due diligence, we come to find out Jobs had something to do with that phrase as well. :D
What more can we here at GYRLNYOURWORLD PRODUCTIONS say??? This man, and his brilliant, brave mind revolutionized the way we compute, and single-handly made being a computer geek/techie/webmaster/all things web and digital-age related cool, not to mention profitable...for his generation, mine, and many to follow.
Mr, Steve Jobs, You are Greatly Appreciated, Your Insight & Vision will be sorely missed!
Sending Peace, Love, & Light to All Your Immediate Family, Apple Family, and the Entire World, because that was LITERALLY the Breadth of Your Vision, Mr. Jobs!
"That's been one of my mantras -- focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."
-- Steve Jobs, BusinessWeek interview, May 1998
"Truth Be Told, I Never Graduated from College..."
final cut pro,
pro tools,
steve jobs
Thursday, September 29, 2011
L'Shanah Tova! It's Rosh Hashanah!!!
Happy New Year (5772) & High Holidays, Luvies!
The Muppets' Rosh Hashanah Song...a favorite. :)
President Obama's Rosh Hashanah 2011 Message:
The Muppets' Rosh Hashanah Song...a favorite. :)
President Obama's Rosh Hashanah 2011 Message:
jewish new year,
l'shanah tova,
Rosh Hashanah,
Monday, September 12, 2011
AstroAlert - FULL MOON in PISCES!!!
"Mercury clears the mind clutter as it moves into practical Virgo."
EXCELLENT time to tap in to Your Spirit aka "Higher Self." The Full Moon being in the astrological sign of Pisces signals that Intution aka "Psychicness" will be high, and we all should place a lot more faith in Our Dreams (literal, the messages we get while sleeping, as well as the intangible Higher Ambitions/Aspirations/Goals we set for Ourselves).
In addition, EVERYONE will be A LOT more Sensitive during this period, so I ask you all, "Please Tread Lightly!?!" That being said, this mushy-gushy, atmosphere is PERFECTO for DEEP CONVERSATIONS OF THE HEART-TO-HEART type. Pisces swims in the deep waters, so don't be afraid to's alright to "go there" during this emotional time.
Pisces Body Art by Rudy Everts
AND SPEAKING OF COMMUNICATION, this is SIGNIFICANTLY HELPED by MERCURY visiting the astrological sign of VIRGO, "The Vestal Virgin." Pisces adds the necessary Depth, but Virgo (The, Detailed-Oriented, Opposite Sign of Pisces on the Astrological Wheel/Chart) will ensure that any communication will be Neat, Tidy, & Thoughtful. Thus, in my humble opinion, FULL MOON IN PISCES + MERCURY IN VIRGO = One of the BEST Atmosphere's Available to get to the Heart of the Matter, & TIE UP LOOSE EMOTIONAL ENDS!
Happy Diving Luvies,
Pisces the Fishesby Boris Vallejo
p.s. - Here's a little of what Astrologer Jeff Jawer has to say about it:
"The Full Moon in sensitive Pisces on Monday, Sept. 12 represents compassion, surrender and spirituality. Its opposition to the Sun in analytical Virgo contrasts free flowing faith with the need to master details.
However, both Virgo and Pisces are associated with service; they just go about it differently. The former takes care of the practical and concrete while the latter attends to our emotions. Learning how to gracefully move between the two is the gift of this Full Moon."
AND here's some of what has to say about MERCURY in VIRGO:
"Mercury, the planet of communication, has two home signs: Gemini and Virgo. Gemini represents the objective airy side of thought, while Virgo is the practical, earthy side. So, we can expect a time when thought will most likely to be used with efficiency and conversation grounded in reality. A planet is considered to be strong when in its home sign, one which it is said to rule. This helps direct and refine its energies to higher levels of purity and power. Mercury in Virgo is, therefore, a strong period in which to analyze and criticize with great precision."
"Mercury clears the mind clutter as it moves into practical Virgo."
EXCELLENT time to tap in to Your Spirit aka "Higher Self." The Full Moon being in the astrological sign of Pisces signals that Intution aka "Psychicness" will be high, and we all should place a lot more faith in Our Dreams (literal, the messages we get while sleeping, as well as the intangible Higher Ambitions/Aspirations/Goals we set for Ourselves).
In addition, EVERYONE will be A LOT more Sensitive during this period, so I ask you all, "Please Tread Lightly!?!" That being said, this mushy-gushy, atmosphere is PERFECTO for DEEP CONVERSATIONS OF THE HEART-TO-HEART type. Pisces swims in the deep waters, so don't be afraid to's alright to "go there" during this emotional time.
Pisces Body Art by Rudy Everts
AND SPEAKING OF COMMUNICATION, this is SIGNIFICANTLY HELPED by MERCURY visiting the astrological sign of VIRGO, "The Vestal Virgin." Pisces adds the necessary Depth, but Virgo (The, Detailed-Oriented, Opposite Sign of Pisces on the Astrological Wheel/Chart) will ensure that any communication will be Neat, Tidy, & Thoughtful. Thus, in my humble opinion, FULL MOON IN PISCES + MERCURY IN VIRGO = One of the BEST Atmosphere's Available to get to the Heart of the Matter, & TIE UP LOOSE EMOTIONAL ENDS!
Happy Diving Luvies,
Pisces the Fishesby Boris Vallejo
p.s. - Here's a little of what Astrologer Jeff Jawer has to say about it:
"The Full Moon in sensitive Pisces on Monday, Sept. 12 represents compassion, surrender and spirituality. Its opposition to the Sun in analytical Virgo contrasts free flowing faith with the need to master details.
However, both Virgo and Pisces are associated with service; they just go about it differently. The former takes care of the practical and concrete while the latter attends to our emotions. Learning how to gracefully move between the two is the gift of this Full Moon."
AND here's some of what has to say about MERCURY in VIRGO:
"Mercury, the planet of communication, has two home signs: Gemini and Virgo. Gemini represents the objective airy side of thought, while Virgo is the practical, earthy side. So, we can expect a time when thought will most likely to be used with efficiency and conversation grounded in reality. A planet is considered to be strong when in its home sign, one which it is said to rule. This helps direct and refine its energies to higher levels of purity and power. Mercury in Virgo is, therefore, a strong period in which to analyze and criticize with great precision."
full moon,
vestal virgin,
zodiac signs
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
MUDITA - A Joyful, Simple Spiritual Concept.
Hey Luvies,
I'm still basking in the afterglow of remembering The Greatness of Michael Jackson on his would-be 53rd Birthday, remembering Aaliyah (I've got to do an in-depth blog about her this week, just got so caught up, I almost overlooked Our "Babygirl."), and the great news Bey & Jay dropped on the world last night, such a sweet moment. That smile of hers on stage, and his proud, fatherly grin in the audience as Kanye cheered on, just reverberated through my entire being, as well as with my friends. I'm also still "high" from all the neighborly love we were feeling here in my 'hood in Brooklyn post-Tropical Storm Irene. It's moments like these that remind me that "The Good of One, Is the Good of All," and that the way to grow that warm and fuzzy feeling is to continuously go out of your way to be plain, & simply, & genuinely Happy for someone else.
It's is a term the Buddhists have dubbed Mudita and it's one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE SPIRITUAL TENETS. I don't claim to know all about Buddhism, or any religion or spiritual path for that fact, but I see the ability for Universal application of any idea, tenet, spiritual tool that helps you bring forth your True Spirit, Cultivate Your Soul, and Be Your Best Y-O-U!
Mudita goes a lil' something like this, be Happy for others, with no conditions, no ulterior motives, and You Will Grow Your OWN Happiness. That's It. No Strings Attached :D The Buddhists liken it to the happiness a mother has for her child (how appropriate given all the good baby news in the World, and my world right now...I've another baby shower to attend on November - The GYRL's are Busy. :D ). The mother has joy for the small baby just for existing, and then as that baby matures into a toddler, Youth, etc., the mother has happiness for her offspring's accomplishments and experiences, but moreso has happiness when her child has HAPPINESS. We see it effect everyday, and embracing it will really turn those hardened bitter frowns upside down :D And it reminds me of a lesson a Theatre teacher, Ms. Patrica Dolan Gross, once gave us, she was explaining that the actor truly is an acrobat of the heart because we go into emotions and help give them form, some would say channel them in a way other people can feel them; and that as human beings, we truly are apart, and integrally meshed into each other's experiences. She gave us the example of her grandson's birth, she didn't have to be the one in labor to be elated at his arrival - and this is the point of Mudita. It Is The Vicarious Experience of Another's Joy & Experience, thus bringing it down, or channeling it into YOUR OWN Experience. I think the World would be a much better place if more people consciously knew of the spiritual principle/tenet of Mudita, and actively tried, that is put forth an effort, to implement it in their everyday lives, think of all the beef that would be squashed!?! It's basically the equivalent of "Don't Hate, Congratulate!" So, on that note, CONGRATULATIONS Mrs. Knowles Carter, and thank-god it's you this time around, cause I have NO PLANS TO GET PREGGO ANY TIME SOON, lol! Thank-You Bey for Sharing Your Joy, & Your Pregnancy Experience, in advance, with Us.
Mudita at it's Finest!
Namaste ("I Honor the Divine/Creator/Creative Presence in You")Luvies,
An Excellent Article on Mudita. Goes More Buddhist on 'Ya, But with Good Examples, & Very Easy to Understand.
I'm still basking in the afterglow of remembering The Greatness of Michael Jackson on his would-be 53rd Birthday, remembering Aaliyah (I've got to do an in-depth blog about her this week, just got so caught up, I almost overlooked Our "Babygirl."), and the great news Bey & Jay dropped on the world last night, such a sweet moment. That smile of hers on stage, and his proud, fatherly grin in the audience as Kanye cheered on, just reverberated through my entire being, as well as with my friends. I'm also still "high" from all the neighborly love we were feeling here in my 'hood in Brooklyn post-Tropical Storm Irene. It's moments like these that remind me that "The Good of One, Is the Good of All," and that the way to grow that warm and fuzzy feeling is to continuously go out of your way to be plain, & simply, & genuinely Happy for someone else.
It's is a term the Buddhists have dubbed Mudita and it's one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE SPIRITUAL TENETS. I don't claim to know all about Buddhism, or any religion or spiritual path for that fact, but I see the ability for Universal application of any idea, tenet, spiritual tool that helps you bring forth your True Spirit, Cultivate Your Soul, and Be Your Best Y-O-U!
Mudita goes a lil' something like this, be Happy for others, with no conditions, no ulterior motives, and You Will Grow Your OWN Happiness. That's It. No Strings Attached :D The Buddhists liken it to the happiness a mother has for her child (how appropriate given all the good baby news in the World, and my world right now...I've another baby shower to attend on November - The GYRL's are Busy. :D ). The mother has joy for the small baby just for existing, and then as that baby matures into a toddler, Youth, etc., the mother has happiness for her offspring's accomplishments and experiences, but moreso has happiness when her child has HAPPINESS. We see it effect everyday, and embracing it will really turn those hardened bitter frowns upside down :D And it reminds me of a lesson a Theatre teacher, Ms. Patrica Dolan Gross, once gave us, she was explaining that the actor truly is an acrobat of the heart because we go into emotions and help give them form, some would say channel them in a way other people can feel them; and that as human beings, we truly are apart, and integrally meshed into each other's experiences. She gave us the example of her grandson's birth, she didn't have to be the one in labor to be elated at his arrival - and this is the point of Mudita. It Is The Vicarious Experience of Another's Joy & Experience, thus bringing it down, or channeling it into YOUR OWN Experience. I think the World would be a much better place if more people consciously knew of the spiritual principle/tenet of Mudita, and actively tried, that is put forth an effort, to implement it in their everyday lives, think of all the beef that would be squashed!?! It's basically the equivalent of "Don't Hate, Congratulate!" So, on that note, CONGRATULATIONS Mrs. Knowles Carter, and thank-god it's you this time around, cause I have NO PLANS TO GET PREGGO ANY TIME SOON, lol! Thank-You Bey for Sharing Your Joy, & Your Pregnancy Experience, in advance, with Us.
Mudita at it's Finest!
Namaste ("I Honor the Divine/Creator/Creative Presence in You")Luvies,
An Excellent Article on Mudita. Goes More Buddhist on 'Ya, But with Good Examples, & Very Easy to Understand.
Monday, August 29, 2011
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!!! "Good Art Never Dies."
Today is the Would-Be 53rd Birthday of Musical Genius, Icon, Visionary, Pioneering Artist & Businessman Michael Jackson, and in the midst of all that's going on, I'd be Remiss not to "Pause" and Take a Moment to Reflect, & Give Thanks for this Ancestor, & ALL He's Given Us.
There Are Never Enough Words For You Michael, You are Appreciated, Loved, & Missed...ALWAYS.
"Good Art Never Dies."
-Michael Jackson
"I Promise You, The Best is Yet to Come."
- Michael Jackson
Personal Thoughts on Michael Jackson @ 1 minute
Simply Put, Love You Michael.
Sometimes Less is More Luvies,
janet jackson,
mariah carey,
Michael Jackson,
Sunday, August 28, 2011
BEYONCE IS PREGNANT - It's Official. CONGRATS GYRL!!! and oh, NYC had a HURRICANE this weekend...whatever, I Know - back to Beyoncé!
Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images
Hello Luvies!
So, Yes, I admit it, I've been madd sporadic with my writing as of late, the last post being at the end of May, JUST before the "end of the world rapture" was to occur, and before I unofficially officially kicked off my Summer... and it's been go go gadget ever since I tell 'ya! Finally, culminating in me hunkering down last night for the first HURRICANE to make landfall in New York City in God knows how long!!! (Run-on Sentence). But if ANYTHING can make me come out of blogging/pop-culture writing hibernation, it is the fact that, yes, it is Officially Confirmed, the Dime Diva herself, Beyoncé Giselle Knowles (Carter) is Pregnant.
Yes, Pregnant!
Photo courtesy Getty Images
And OBVIOUSLY Sooo Elated :D This is Totally a Mudita Moment!
Photo by Steve Granitz/WireImage
1) Brief Moment of Silence to Allow One's Cerebral Cortex to Process.
3) Get back to your own business with the Joy of knowing the World will potentially be a bit more fashionably, musically, & choreographically enhanced with the coming of the "Jayoncé" offspring in about a year in 2012 - "The Future IS Now."
"Daaaas It!"
Neary (I don't even think that's real word, but in my excitement it sounds right, so Mark Twain - it'll be my present to the baby) the announcement of a pregnancy has been so eagerly awaited. I would dare say, and think I'd be right on the money with that statement, since the first natural born child of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, was conceived has a celebrity babe been so eagerly anticipated. Don't EVEN get me started on if it's a boy or a girl, or THE NAME (Shawn Knowles Carter II - My guess if a son) this will be exciting & fun to follow!
Beyoncé (& Jay-Z) didn't even make a press release, press conference, or interview to announce the news to the World, she just showed up in a beautiful Blood Orange colored Goddess Dress, giving the universal "I'm with child" baby bump pose.
Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images
She Is Always the Classy, Elegant One in terms of her Demeanor and Presence, as has been established time and time again.
And I just like Beyoncé's "get er' done" style, 'ya know? Even though she's soooo "Type A," her work ethic is admirable. Plan, plan, plan, work, work, work, and LIVE YOUR LIFE to the fullest regardless of what the detractors, and naysayers, for lack of better words, well, say...
She Is Always a Step Ahead... B COMPLETELY STOLE THE SHOW! Whether it was with her Lanvin gown on the Black Carpet, or energized, multiple modulations during her performance of "Love on Top," which was not an easy feat to pull off Live - definitely not for the autotuned faint of heart... B to it to another Level. And we've come to expect nothing less from Our Beyoncé! And you gotta give it to ger, she takes One-Upsmanship to the NEXT Level, but does so Gracefully. :D
She EVEN went ahead and Thunderheisted on NYC's downgraded "Tropical Storm Irene" - making one of our City's most EPIC weeks ever, and earthquake last Tuesday, and POTENTIAL Hurricane yesterday and today, pale in comparison to her Golden Locks (though I have no problem with her hair, lol), and baby news... "Oops she did it again!"
(I couldn't help myself y'all - it wouldn't have be a proper MTV VMA's related post without a gratuitously, faux-nude Britney Spears moment - back to Beyonce) Hit album, sold out concerts, and baby on the way, all anounced within 2 months. The latest ballad may be called "1 +1" but Beyoncé is OBVIOUSLY 3 for 3.
The big news being announced on Sunday, August 28, 2011 at the MTV VMA's on the New Moon/Lunar Month of Virgo (for all the Astrology buffs out there) whilst Beyoncé herself is a Virgo, contains a certain magic, poetry, and symbolism all unto itself. Her 30th birthday is this Labor Day weekend on September 4th. Not to mention the news comes on the eve of Michael Jackson's would be 53rd birthday. Could they be imprinting this little on in utero for Greatness??? If this this little tike is anything like it's mom and dad, this very well could be another "musical messiah," in the same vein as a Michael Jackson, I mean Jay-Z already cited Beyoncé as "The Second Coming of Michael Jackson" - the Hope & Possibilites are Endless.
And that's what REALLY has us all so geeked. Whatever the Future holds for B, J, and Baby, we here at GYRLNYOURWORLD PRODUCTIONS would like to extend our Warmest Congratulations to the Couple/Family - Thanks for Sharing Your Joy with Us!
Photo courtesy FilmMagic
...I honestly didn't even know how she had a "baby bump." She just performed four sold out shows about 2 weeks ago at New York City's Roseland Ballroom on August 14, 16, 18, and 19, with seemingly no "bumpage."
Photograph by Jenna Rubenstein
And one more Beyoncé image just for the heck of it. I liked all of the booklet art for "4" but this particular studio photo caught my eye due to the angles, deconstruction, and sheer wackiness, yet sexiness it embodies - that and the boss legs muscles, get it GYRL! Well, I guess you got, and now your going to incubate & nurture it, ha! CHEERS!
Perhaps, the bump's not that big yet, but the camera angles coupled with the simple gesture of a hand place gently on a stomach sent us all a little over the top? The ONLY thing that would make this Anouncement any better would be if this is a multiple birth pregnancy, which could be right up B's "Type A," "Out-Do Everyone Else," Work-a-Holic" personality alley - but that's all conjectjure & hearsay...let's deal with the facts for now. Whatever the case may be, we ARE on the look-out (if tonight's 1st official pregnancy outing was any indicator) for all the amazing designs she'll wear - 9 months of Haute Couture Baby Fashion here we come!
Photos courtesy Getty Images
MTV's BLOG COVERAGE OF "4 Intimate Nights with Beyoncé"
Hello Luvies!
So, Yes, I admit it, I've been madd sporadic with my writing as of late, the last post being at the end of May, JUST before the "end of the world rapture" was to occur, and before I unofficially officially kicked off my Summer... and it's been go go gadget ever since I tell 'ya! Finally, culminating in me hunkering down last night for the first HURRICANE to make landfall in New York City in God knows how long!!! (Run-on Sentence). But if ANYTHING can make me come out of blogging/pop-culture writing hibernation, it is the fact that, yes, it is Officially Confirmed, the Dime Diva herself, Beyoncé Giselle Knowles (Carter) is Pregnant.
Yes, Pregnant!
Photo courtesy Getty Images
And OBVIOUSLY Sooo Elated :D This is Totally a Mudita Moment!
Photo by Steve Granitz/WireImage
1) Brief Moment of Silence to Allow One's Cerebral Cortex to Process.
Get More: Music News
3) Get back to your own business with the Joy of knowing the World will potentially be a bit more fashionably, musically, & choreographically enhanced with the coming of the "Jayoncé" offspring in about a year in 2012 - "The Future IS Now."
"Daaaas It!"
Neary (I don't even think that's real word, but in my excitement it sounds right, so Mark Twain - it'll be my present to the baby) the announcement of a pregnancy has been so eagerly awaited. I would dare say, and think I'd be right on the money with that statement, since the first natural born child of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, was conceived has a celebrity babe been so eagerly anticipated. Don't EVEN get me started on if it's a boy or a girl, or THE NAME (Shawn Knowles Carter II - My guess if a son) this will be exciting & fun to follow!
Beyoncé (& Jay-Z) didn't even make a press release, press conference, or interview to announce the news to the World, she just showed up in a beautiful Blood Orange colored Goddess Dress, giving the universal "I'm with child" baby bump pose.
Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images
She Is Always the Classy, Elegant One in terms of her Demeanor and Presence, as has been established time and time again.
And I just like Beyoncé's "get er' done" style, 'ya know? Even though she's soooo "Type A," her work ethic is admirable. Plan, plan, plan, work, work, work, and LIVE YOUR LIFE to the fullest regardless of what the detractors, and naysayers, for lack of better words, well, say...
She Is Always a Step Ahead... B COMPLETELY STOLE THE SHOW! Whether it was with her Lanvin gown on the Black Carpet, or energized, multiple modulations during her performance of "Love on Top," which was not an easy feat to pull off Live - definitely not for the autotuned faint of heart... B to it to another Level. And we've come to expect nothing less from Our Beyoncé! And you gotta give it to ger, she takes One-Upsmanship to the NEXT Level, but does so Gracefully. :D
She EVEN went ahead and Thunderheisted on NYC's downgraded "Tropical Storm Irene" - making one of our City's most EPIC weeks ever, and earthquake last Tuesday, and POTENTIAL Hurricane yesterday and today, pale in comparison to her Golden Locks (though I have no problem with her hair, lol), and baby news... "Oops she did it again!"
(I couldn't help myself y'all - it wouldn't have be a proper MTV VMA's related post without a gratuitously, faux-nude Britney Spears moment - back to Beyonce) Hit album, sold out concerts, and baby on the way, all anounced within 2 months. The latest ballad may be called "1 +1" but Beyoncé is OBVIOUSLY 3 for 3.
The big news being announced on Sunday, August 28, 2011 at the MTV VMA's on the New Moon/Lunar Month of Virgo (for all the Astrology buffs out there) whilst Beyoncé herself is a Virgo, contains a certain magic, poetry, and symbolism all unto itself. Her 30th birthday is this Labor Day weekend on September 4th. Not to mention the news comes on the eve of Michael Jackson's would be 53rd birthday. Could they be imprinting this little on in utero for Greatness??? If this this little tike is anything like it's mom and dad, this very well could be another "musical messiah," in the same vein as a Michael Jackson, I mean Jay-Z already cited Beyoncé as "The Second Coming of Michael Jackson" - the Hope & Possibilites are Endless.
And that's what REALLY has us all so geeked. Whatever the Future holds for B, J, and Baby, we here at GYRLNYOURWORLD PRODUCTIONS would like to extend our Warmest Congratulations to the Couple/Family - Thanks for Sharing Your Joy with Us!
Photo courtesy FilmMagic
...I honestly didn't even know how she had a "baby bump." She just performed four sold out shows about 2 weeks ago at New York City's Roseland Ballroom on August 14, 16, 18, and 19, with seemingly no "bumpage."
Photograph by Jenna Rubenstein
And one more Beyoncé image just for the heck of it. I liked all of the booklet art for "4" but this particular studio photo caught my eye due to the angles, deconstruction, and sheer wackiness, yet sexiness it embodies - that and the boss legs muscles, get it GYRL! Well, I guess you got, and now your going to incubate & nurture it, ha! CHEERS!
Perhaps, the bump's not that big yet, but the camera angles coupled with the simple gesture of a hand place gently on a stomach sent us all a little over the top? The ONLY thing that would make this Anouncement any better would be if this is a multiple birth pregnancy, which could be right up B's "Type A," "Out-Do Everyone Else," Work-a-Holic" personality alley - but that's all conjectjure & hearsay...let's deal with the facts for now. Whatever the case may be, we ARE on the look-out (if tonight's 1st official pregnancy outing was any indicator) for all the amazing designs she'll wear - 9 months of Haute Couture Baby Fashion here we come!
Photos courtesy Getty Images
MTV's BLOG COVERAGE OF "4 Intimate Nights with Beyoncé"
britney spears,
cable tv,
kanye west,
roca fella,
video music awards,
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Sunday, May 29, 2011
WE'RE STILL ALIVE! (post-rapture day/welcome back post)
Hello Dear World of Cyberspace, Fellow Bloggers, and Fans!
And on a Brighter Note, just wanted to drop You a line to let You know We still exist, are Alive & Well, thankfully so. We've simply been taking time to Experience, Stop & Smell the Roses. So much to fill you in on! Generally, Life is Good, and there are BIG THINGS in the Works. So, this is a little Love Note to let you know things are Aligned, and Progressing as they Ought, and to Thank-You for Rolling with Your "GYRL!" And a Special "Hi There!" to all the new Subscribers, thank-you!
We Truly Appreciate Your Interest & Support :D
Sincerely Your GYRL,
p.s. - Tomorrow is "Memorial Day" here in the States. Therefore, We want to send A Very Special Shout-Out & Thank-You to ALL Members of the United States Armed Forces, Active Duty or Not, Still With Us or Not - You are Some of Our Best & Bravest, and We APPRECIATE YOU!!!
Joint Services Color Guard representing the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines advance the colors. (Image: DoD-Helene C. Stikkel)
And on a Brighter Note, just wanted to drop You a line to let You know We still exist, are Alive & Well, thankfully so. We've simply been taking time to Experience, Stop & Smell the Roses. So much to fill you in on! Generally, Life is Good, and there are BIG THINGS in the Works. So, this is a little Love Note to let you know things are Aligned, and Progressing as they Ought, and to Thank-You for Rolling with Your "GYRL!" And a Special "Hi There!" to all the new Subscribers, thank-you!
We Truly Appreciate Your Interest & Support :D
Sincerely Your GYRL,
p.s. - Tomorrow is "Memorial Day" here in the States. Therefore, We want to send A Very Special Shout-Out & Thank-You to ALL Members of the United States Armed Forces, Active Duty or Not, Still With Us or Not - You are Some of Our Best & Bravest, and We APPRECIATE YOU!!!
Joint Services Color Guard representing the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines advance the colors. (Image: DoD-Helene C. Stikkel)
memorial day,
united states,
united states of america
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