For further explanation of Mercury Retrograde, read this old post of mine:
Category: Life
Hey Luvies!
Our good ole friend' Mercury went retrograde yesterday, the first of 4(there are usually 3 in a calender year) Mercury retrograde periods this marvelous year of 2009. It lasts until Feb.1st. Some people and astrologers think this is a horrible period of time, as Mercury rules communication and quick trips, and all types of delays in communication and travel are to be expected, but those are just the superficial effects. I believe that if you just prepare yourself for these minor irritations, i.e., back up your files, cell phone numbers, double check addresses and postage on mail, that these next 3 weeks can be SUPER beneficial. Beneficial because, Mercury retrograde causes us, if we are wise to stop in our tracks, and look back as well. Instead of getting impatient and trying to forge ahead with our plans, we can take this time to be more introspective, looking inside ourselves and checking that we are really going in the right direction/are on the right path for us, and go over those plans more thoroughly before pressing on to implement them. JUST BE EASY Then, when Mercury begins to go direct again on Feb. 1st, it will be ALL SYSTEMS GO!!! for you and your plans, plus you will feel more rejuvenated. Take me for example, I was gonna go look at apartments this last week, but with the looming Merc. Ret. I decided to JUST BE STILL (as we start feeling the effects of the Mercury Retrograde a few days before and after the actual dates it starts and ends) for now, and pick up strong for a Feb. move. It's not in your best interest to make long term plans during a Mercury Retrograde, or sign ANY type of contracts, ESPECIALLY a LEASE, as Mercury, like the quicksilver it is also known as, has a capricious property, so things probably won't last if agreed upon during this time. I mean, there was this really big room in an apartment in Bedstuy that I was interested in, and the 3 Sistas that lived there seemed dope over the phone...but I could imagine all the problems that could've unfolded if that lease would have been signed during a Mercury Retrogade period. Now, I can take these next 3 weeks to perform a REALLY thorough apartment search instead just being impatient, and wanting to move quickly because my bum landlord 'upped the rent. Also, JUST EXPECT travel delays or mix-ups, I recommend traveling light, maybe only carry on luggage...listen up people, like myself, going down to D.C. for the INAUGURATION Also, be light on the relationships too, it's not an ideal time for starting a super heavy romatic relationship. Just have fun., and relax!!! Wishing you all the best for the next 3 weeks and always
Mercury -- the Messenger God in mythology and the ruler of transportation and communication turns retrograde in Aquarius on January 11. This is the first of the four Mercury retrogrades happening in 2009 and lasts till January 31 or February 1 (depending upon your time zone), when he halts and begins his return to direct motion through the zodiac
Mercury is the planet that rules all forms of communication and any time a planet turns retrograde it is time to review. So, when Mercury turns around and goes back through territory it's already traversed, it is time for you, too, to travel back. Don't try to institute plans for the future. Instead see if you can lay the groundwork to provide a secure foundation. Mercury's current placement in Aquarius makes this a wonderful time to break away from old habits and ideas. Mercury will move back into Capricorn on January 21 in its retrograde motion creating disruptions or breakdowns in communications and administrative details. Since this sign also signifies ambitions, it might see us trying to push through own agendas and gain status or rise in life. Jupiter, the Sun, and Mars will also all cross Mercury as he moves along his backwards path, and those days could prove to be significant.
Mercury conjuncts Jupiter on January 19 -- this might be a time for reflections, and old friends can come back into our lives. On January 20, Inauguration Day in the United States, the Sun will conjunct Mercury in the first degrees of Aquarius. The new President is sure to have some very important messages for us on how he is going to clean up the mess left for him from the past and with Aquarius involved, he may have some new and unique ideas. Retrograde Mercury conjuncts Mars in Capricorn on January 27, and Venus will be sending them some positive energy at the same time. The Solar eclipse of January 26 formed by the Sun and Moon will definitely make us ready for some changes.
-Courtesy of www.astrology.com
General Daily Horoscope for everyone:
The retrograde period of messenger Mercury began on January 11 and as it ends today our plans can take us in brand new directions. Certain areas of our lives were put on hold; now we get to move ahead again. Even though it's the weekend, our minds may already be ramping up for the future. We should try to process any excess anger as the Moon squares warrior Mars midday and then we can mellow out once the Moon enters placid Taurus at 5:08 pm EST
Here's a really good webpage dedicated to the Mercury Retrograde periods of 2009:
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